
Security information

Name of security:Harju Elekter Group share
Security ticker:HAE1T
ISIN code:EE3100004250
Regulated market:Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange; Baltic Main List
Date of listing:30 September 1997
Number of securities:18 498 770

All shares are freely negotiable on the stock exchange and each share confers an equal right to vote and to receive a dividend. All the shareholders of the company are equal and there are no separate restrictions or agreements concerning the right to vote. According to the information available to AS Harju Elekter Group the agreements concluded with the shareholders do not include any restrictions related to the transfer of shares; neither do they include any specific power of audit.

Harju Elekter has no-par-value share. Book value of a share is 0.63 euros.

Trading history

Key share data
Number of shares (in thousand)17,739,88017,855,22018,134,46318,355,77418,498,770
Opening price4.265.247.445.014.97
Highest price5.2610.507.745.315.33
Average price4.437.836.045.044.77
Lowest price3.205.204.854.904.20
Closing price5.187.445.014.974.58
Change (%)23.076,7%-32.70-0.87.9
Traded shares (pc)1,160,5982,048,865929,4911,154,685751,657
Turnover (million)4.9915.855.605.823.59
Capitalization (million)91.89134.0691.6391.9484.63
Earnings per share, EPS0.310.15-0.310.280.17
Dividend per share0.160.140.05*0.15
Dividend rate (%)
Dividend/net profit (%)51.096.2-46.287.4

*       Management Board’s proposal
**    from regular activities=Profit attributable to owners of the Company minus extraordinary income from the sale of PKC Group Oyj shares
***  take into account the profit from sales of investment (PKC Group Oyj shares) in 2017